Thursday, July 23, 2009

Stir Fry with White Sauce

I love any cream-based vegetables. It makes a wonderful accompaniment with bread, pasta, risotto, or a great side dish for an all-crouton salad. The ways to serve it are wonderful, and its a pleasure to eat.

Any vegetable available can be used here. My favorite happens to be zucchini, and a five vegetale mix (ive mentioned it in the recipe)

Stir-fry in white sauce.

1) 1 cup vegetables. Options:
a) Zucchini, cubed
b) mixed vegetables (tossed in boling water for 3 mins and parboiled - my personal favourite is a mixture of carrots, ring beans, sweet corn, peas, cauliflower florets and zucchini)
c) carrots, cubed
d) pumpkin or squash, cubed
2) 1 tablespoon cream (low fat cream, heavy cream, or half-and-half)
3) 1 teaspoon unflavored yogurt
4) 1 teaspoon butter
5) 1/4 teaspoon white pepper powder
6) 1/4 teaspoon thyme
7) 1/4 teaspoon fresh basil, OR fresh mint
8) salt

1) Heat the butter.
2) Add the vegatables and fry till bright in color.
3) Add salt, cover, and cook on low for 5 mins. Stir twice in these 5 mins.
4) Add the cream, the yougrt, a little water, and cook on high for a minute.
5) When the water evaporates and the sauce thickens, add the thyme and white pepper powder.
6) Add more salt if required, and turn off the heat.
7) Garnish with mint/basil and serve.

1) Cream may be completely substituted with a think, unflavored, yougrt (even fat free yogurt may be used)
2) DO NOT USE OIL, USE ONLY BUTTER. Remember, always cook dairy with dairy for non-cheese bases (for cream, yogurt, etc, cook with butter, else the plant fat and animal fat can make you feel queasy)