Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Raw Mango Chutney


1) A small-medium fresh, raw mango (one the size of your fist makes a medium cupful)
2) fenugreek seeds (methi)
3) mustard seeds
4) dried red chilli pepper
5) one teaspoon oil

1) Heat the oil and add both seeds till they pop.
2) add the chillies, fry till they become brittle (dont let them go brown)
3) grind above mixture, but not smooth
4) Add mango and grind again (not to a smooth paste, its nice when slighlty rough n yu hav to bite the mango-yum!!)
5)Add salt AFTER its done, else raw mango tends to ooze water.

Goes with anything, especially curd rice n dosas, ( I even like it with bread n cheese :))

Note: 1) This stays for a max os 2-3 days and is best when fresh.
Other variations:
Tomato (Braise the tomatoes on high flame with just 2 drops of oil and continue the procedure)
Green apple (raw apple - this tastes fantastic! Same procedure as the mango chutney)
Roasted brinjal (Roast brinjal on glame, or grill it(or make 3-4 slits in the vegetable, coat with oil, wrap in foil and bake at 360 degrees in convection oven for 15 mins), peel of the skin when cold, and repeat procedure)

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